Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ponder in our hearts

I only have a few things to share this week since we've been reading for only 3 days.  I want to point out some things from the introduction.

First, my FAVORITE scripture verse (and I really do mean that this is my favorite) is Luke 2:19, "Mary kept all these things pondering them in her heart."  Why is this my favorite scripture verse?  Because in this verse, my heart falls in love with Mary as a model of Christian prayer.  Many big events happen in Mary's life.  Have you ever stopped to think about how you would react to some of the things that go on in her life?  Many people say amazing things about her and to her.  Some sad things (Simeon's prophecy that her heart would be "pierced" in the future).  She has some very stressful things happen to her - finding a place to give birth, fleeing to Egypt, losing and finding Jesus in the Temple, etc.  When stressful things happen in my life, I am very quick to act out in anger, or to come to a quick conclusion about myself or God.  Sometimes, I even make very poor decisions "in the heat of the moment".  Oh how I wish I would "ponder" the events of my life in my heart!  How I wish I would "ponder" what my Father in heaven is doing in each moment, before I give into emotions and fears! 

As we journey these 33 days, Fr. Gaitley, and I myself, am encouraging you to ponder these things we are learning about Mary and Jesus.  Ponder how they may be applied to your daily life.  Ponder God's magnificent works in the history of salvation; in the history of your own personal salvation.  Mary's "Magnificat" in Luke 1:46-55 flows very naturally from her heart of prayer.  It certainly is obvious that she knows God's character very well as she proclaims his goodness and his works of mercy.  So, ponder these readings as you go through your day and try to have a constant mental prayer over these next few weeks.

Second, Fr. Gaitley makes the point to not get discouraged and give up. DO NOT GIVE UP!  This is what the Enemy wants.  Satain DESPISES Mary because of her humility and power.  He does not want to see you grow close to her because he knows you will grow in holiness as a result.  If you get a few days behind, get back up, persevere.  I cannot stress how many graces you will receive if you GET BACK UP.  I first consecrated myself to Jesus and Mary 10 years ago, and every year I have tried to re-new the consecration.  Some years I have gotten through it and other years I have not finished and not renewed my consecration.  I missed out on so much grace because I did not finish my preparation and re-consecration.  Every year that I do do it, I see the difference.  And, it is no coincidence that I always finished my preparation and re-consecration when I did in a group or at least along with my husband.  If you miss a Tuesday meeting, THAT IS OK.  Just continue reading and praying.  It is so important to your life of holiness that you have Mary by your side!  I cannot stress this enough! 

Lastly, I want to share how my consecration has had an impact in my own life.  Like I said, I consecrated myself to Mary 10 years ago, my freshmen year of college.  As I learned about Mary, I found a very new excitement in my faith.  I couldn't get enough of learning about Mary!  The college I attended, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, really helped foster this.  I joined a Marian Household called Theotokos, which is similar to a sorority, but it is centered around a Christian covenant where we promise to live a certain lifestyle and spirituality and we commit to prayer commitments as sisters.  My household, Theotokos (which is a title for Mary which means, "Mother of God") centered around Mary as the bearer of Jesus to the world and we did the consecration twice a year as a community.  These beautiful women inspired me to grow deeper in a relationship with Jesus and Mary.  I had a relationship with Jesus, but not much of a personal relationship with Mary.  As I learned more about her through readings and books, I found myself having a relationship with her in prayer.  I found so much healing in Mary as my Mother.  I would run to her in prayer, as I meditated and pondered who she was.  I would imagine myself wrapped as a child in her tender arms.  Or I would see myself sitting at her feet, with my head on her lap, her stroking my hair, as I would speak to her about my life's events, or come to her crying and in need of her love. 

I really hope that you, too, will find this relationship with Mary.  I am broken and have broken relationships in my life.  I find myself in despair sometimes in the light of my personal sins.  Mary helps me pick up all these pieces, and brings me to her Son!  Anytime that I turn to Mary, that I devote myself to her as her faithful daughter, is a time of profound intimacy with Jesus in my life.  I am not always perfect at living out my consecration, I will admit.  But the times that I put forth effort to remember Mary and come to her, I am always blessed beyond measure by her sweet, yet powerful, love!  Please walk with me on this journey as we ponder our beautiful Mother and her adorable Son!

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